Monday, October 2, 2017

Rick and Morty Recap: “The Rickchurian Mortydate”


The end is here no more Rick and Morty probably for two or three years. And I am not over exaggerating these guys like to take the time and that they should. We want the show to get better and stay up to the same caliber has its predecessors.  So, we will wait and wait and wait till season four premieres in all its glory. So, enough chatter let’s get into the recap. There are SPOILERS ahead you have been warned.

“The Rickchurian Mortydate”



The episode begins at the White House where some alien pest kills an innocent janitor. So, who you goanna call Rick and Morty. Rick and Morty at that exact moment are playing Minecraft, and of course, Rick is criticizing the game probably because he didn’t create it.  As Morty continues to play they hear a helicopter outside and two secret service men walk up to the house. Rick and Morty obviously know it is the President and portal gun right over to the White House.


Once Rick and Morty arrive at the White House they meet the President and find out what the situation entails. Apparently, there are Kennedy sex tunnels and they are infested with an alien.  I’m just going to gloss over that, and they head down to the tunnels and shoot the little alien and discover that this is annoying and boring.  Rick and Morty then go on a rant about the President and how he uses them as his personal Ghostbusters, and they also talk about his insecurities. They bail on the adventure and go back to playing Minecraft, which infuriates the President because he is taking this bail on the adventure as a bail on America.

The President then uses a satellite illegally to spy on Rick and Morty in their home. The two then have a falling out as Rick and Morty then refuse to go on any more missions for him. And let’s just say he does not take that very well. The next scene shows a little alien civilization in Brazil that Rick can’t wait to get his hands on first. But before he can the President intervenes showing off is new toys one of them being a massive mobile portal. The President then puts his foot down stating that Rick and Morty cannot go near the little alien civilization. And that since they will no longer help so to speak, he will be holding them accountable. For every law, they have broken over the course of the adventures.

So, Rick quickly escapes from them and the President and then proceeds to investigate the civilization. The President is too slow because Rick and Morty have already been there and have brought peace to countries in dispute. Making the President look incompetent. The manhunt is on for Rick and Morty but is short-lived because they're sitting comfy in the oval office waiting for the President to give Morty a selfie.  I’m not sure how this becomes prevalent seeing as Morty does even want one. But Rick is very adamant about it and is prepared to kill and fight with the President for a selfie.

Meanwhile, Beth is having an identity crisis because she not sure if she is real or a clone. She asks Rick outright but would Rick tell the clone it was a clone? And if the clone finds out it is a clone would he then kill the clone? These are the question scrambling through her mind as she interacts with her kids and Jerry. Who someway somehow gets back in Beth’s good graces by reminding her of the kind of women she used to be. Because apparently, she has changed I’m not sure if that’s because she is a clone or if it because these past experiences have changed her. It’s confusing I know, and of course, the episode never gives us a definitive answer.

Back to Ricks crazy self who is going all out in this battle for a freaking selfie with the President. He doesn’t even realize that once he gets the President to submit that Morty is gone. He then calls up Morty who is now hiding out with the family at some cabin. Morty tells Rick that his mom and dad are back together and that they are protecting her against Rick.  Rick was devastated you could read it all over his face. Rick then proceeds to leave the President alone and go after the family. Of course, he knows where they are and walks up to the cabin with a gun. Which the family assumes is for Beth, but of course, it was for Jerry.  By the end of the episode, the family dynamic is like season one except Beth and Jerry are little more united. And she stands up for Jerry against Rick. Let’s just say I’m not sure our favorite scientist isn’t too happy about these recent events. Because now he is on the outside with the family while Jerry is back in.

The final episode has come and gone, and I must say this season went by fast. The season also left us with more questions than answers. Like what is Tammy doing with Phoenix Person? What does Evil Morty have planned? What happened to Beth’s mom? Is Beth a clone? And of course, all questions about Rick’s origins and past. All I can say is stay tuned Rick and Morty fans some will be revel in these upcoming seasons. But I’m sure the creators want as much mystery surrounding Ricks origins to remain mysterious.  So, enjoy the clip below has the writers mock us with how long it takes to get another season. Until next season stay schwifty.
Photo Credit:,,,

Created by: Jasmine Yard

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