Thursday, December 15, 2016

Review: Suicide Squad #8

Review: Suicide Squad #8
Submitted by: Theresa Stier, Comic News Writer
14 December 2016
Image may contain: 1 person“Going Sane: Part Four: I Believe in Miracles,” by Rob Williams and artist Scott Williams, still proves to me why Harley Quinn is one of my favorite characters. The line, “Sorry, I electrocuted you,” had me amused. I was kind of expecting to see Superman in this issue, considering they are fighting against Zod and Zod is Superman's enemy. With Zod there, I am wondering if Superman is going to make an appearance in the next issue to help the Suicide Squad. Even though the Suicide Squad was made for missions that were dangerous, I am sure that if they need help, Amanda Waller would be calling the hero that knows Zod best.

No automatic alt text available.I am curious to see what the next issue is going to bring. I hope that there's going to be even more Harley-isms and that these issues will continue to bring the action scenes. I also still like that they have a little mini comic at the end of the issue, just for the one character. It gives you a little bit more information about the character, if you have never heard of them before, and it is a nice way to conclude the issue.

The Verdict: I enjoyed this comic and I hope the next issue is going to be just as good. I am also curious to see if Superman is going to be making an appearance in any of the future issues (I hope so).

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